We have used the ultimate Nicki wig for inspiration to create The Gag City Wig by Private Label.
Countless hours are necessary to sew the wig using an HD Lace 5×5 Closure or 13×4 Frontal. Of course, we are using 100% Human Hair for each wig.
Then, these wigs are hand-painted to perfection. Each wig will be slightly different as each piece is hand-created artwork without a template or easy way to duplicate.
The Gag City Wig has a 180% density, and the wig must be full with plenty of body to showcase the beautiful colors.
We can’t express the time necessary to make each wig consistently.
Don’t miss your chance to own this work of art of the Private Label team.
– Pictured is a 22″ 5×5 HD Lace version of The Gag City Wig.